Saturday, March 19, 2011

First Interview

I had my first interview for a nanny position! The family sounds really nice, and I'm meeting with them tomorrow. I'm so excited, but extremely nervous. I don't really care for interviews.. I feel like I don't make a very good first impression. Let's hope I do better tomorrow! I'm glad that I'm out here already so that I can meet with the family in person before agreeing to work for them. I think one of the things I am most worried about, is driving. The roads out here are crazy, as are the drivers, and I am not a very strong driver. I also get lost easily and I am terrible with directions! Caskey has been making me drive a lot more lately though, and I think its been helping. Well, I will let you know how the meeting with them goes!

1 comment:

  1. Remember the time we got lost while I was trying to find my way to pick up my brother? lol Don't worry you're not the only one who gets lost easily :) Love ya *pose*
