Last weekend Bonnie and I went to Palmyra, NY with our ward, to visit the church historical sites and see the Hill Cumorah Pageant. The ride up and back was quite long... 5-6 hours each way on a bus. We had a lot of fun while we there. The pageant was really good and I really liked seeing all the historical sites too. I took a lot of pictures too, so here you go.
These are from the printing place where the Book of Mormon was first published.
This is the house where the Smith family lived when they first moved to Palmyra, and the surrounding fields.
The Palmyra Temple, right across the street from the Smith home and the Sacred Grove.
The Smith family's larger house that was built later, along with a garden and barn.
Bonnie and I were messing around here...
Haha she looks like she's waiting for a bus!
The Sacred Grove.
The very end of the pathways in the Sacred Grove.
We visited the Palmyra Temple right before we left on Sunday morning.
Why do you post fat picutres of me? Why?