...I've lost my marbles. I think I must have, because I don't know if I've ever felt so lost and confused before. I am once again unemployed and I think I am having so much trouble finding another job, because I just don't know what it is I want to do. I'm not sorry I quit my last job. I know it was the right thing to do. The place I was at was not a good environment and I wasn't happy there. Right before I left I found a quote that really opened my eyes to how bad things really were there. I shared it with my friend TeAnna who is still working there and it really helped her too, so I hope she can find a new job soon and get out too. Now I've applied to a lot of different places, and I've had one interview, but so far there's been nothing. I've always wanted to work with books, in a editing or publishing capacity, but I know I don't have enough experience to actually be hired in a job like that. Now that I am out of school I don't know how to go about getting that experience. Last weekend I went to a writing conference called 'Write Here in Ephraim' at Snow College. They had a lot of writers and illustrators from Utah, coming to talk about ways to write, get published, and market your books. I had a lot of fun and I learned so much! It really inspired me to write more than anything has before. I've always wanted to write, but never thought I could, because I didn't know where to start. Now I feel like its something I could actually accomplish. So, that is my new/old goal. To write. Here I go again!